Wuv, sweet wuv.* And also paint.
I have been cleaning, stripping wallpaper, spackling, sanding, and painting Bret's bathroom for about 4 weeks now. We picked out a very nice blue-that-will-look-good-with-brown-accessories, and I thought I'd be able to get the job done in a week, but then I hurt my back, and then I went to Kansas City to see the cutest babies in the world (and their mama), and then school started, and then I just kinda lost my fire for the project.
So far this week I've:
1) sucked up a GIANT cockroach with the vaccuum cleaner attachment held as far away from my body as possible.
2) maintained precarious positions atop the edge of the tub while spackling;
3)been coated with dust (CANCER-CAUSING DUST according to my father) while sanding.
4)worn out two of those magic eraser thingees cleaning baseboards;
5)used a Q-tip to clean in the gap between the baseboard and the floor. On my hands and knees. With my face very close to where I think the roach was living.
It was while occupied with this last task that I realized, "Hell, this MUST be love, because I can't think of anyone else I'd do this for." Which was immediately followed by, "I'm TOTALLY taking this bathroom with me if we ever break-up."
*I stole this title from Amanda B.
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