Laughter Road

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

I have moved to the Arctic

It was 34 degrees in Hattiesburg last night. No, the city has not been transported 1000 miles north and we are not geographically challenged. We are, however, cilmatically challenged, because this is a state that has been known to close schools at the threat of cold. People here are having trouble with the concept of just curling up in bed and waiting for it to pass, especially the three drunk college girls (on a Thursday night !?) screaming at each other outside my window at 3:30 am and the guy living below me who started throwing his boots around at 4 am. (He's a soldier who has to be at the base at 5 am every morning, so I forgive him. I usually never hear him.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom And Jerry Checks remind me of the old cartoons.

10:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Breville JE900

9:08 AM  

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